学习佛教的有用资源 Useful Resources


学习佛教的有用资源 Useful Resources

「心靈法門」初学者 For Beginners

  1. 东方台卢台长的博客 – Read latest 2OR answers to questions relating to Buddhism raised by the community
  2. 「心靈法門」應用 – Free iOS, Android, Windows, Chrome Apps for Guan Yin Citta
  3. 佛教书籍 - Free Master Jun Hong Lu's Buddhist eBooks (available in Chinese, English and Bahasa Indonesia)
  4. 「心灵法门」视频 – Video community site containing Master Lu's Dharma talks and totem inquiries
  5. “卢台长”节目 – Regularly updated Master Lu's Podcast with search function
  6. 全球“心灵法门”共修会联络方式 – Worldwide Contacts of Guan Yin Citta Practice Centers


"Master Jun Hong Lu" Dharma Events

Since 2010, in response to the invitations from Buddhist followers around the globe, "Master Lu" have organized Dharma events in many countries including Australia, United States, Canada, Belgium, Spain and many more.